My name is Danilo Valentini, I’m an Italian artist.
I began my artistic development at a young age taking private drawing and painting classes, as well as attending a two-years painting course at the ACCADEMIA ANAUNIE in Cles (Italy) with the artist Candido Marches at the age of fourteen. Around the same time, I started studying music at the Conservatory “F. A. Bonporti” in Trento (Italy).

Later on I moved to Milan to study foreign languages at the Università Cattolica, and music at the Conservatory “Giuseppe Verdi”. This diverse educational background exposed me to a wide cultural spectrum, which has influenced my personal painting style.

My artistic research took me, then, to London and Berlin. In the British capital, I attended a specialization course in fine arts at the ART ACADEMY LONDON in 2015 under the guidance of Norwegian artist Eigil Nordstrøm.
I then moved to Berlin in 2016 to follow the world-renowned classes of Russian artist Andrei Krioukov at the SCHULE FÜR BILDENDE KUNST UND GESTALTUNG.

In July 2017 I hosted my first solo exhibition in the Italian town of Ville d’Anaunia, and in May 2019 a second one in Rome in the frame of the “Chiostro del Bramante”. Other collective exhibitions have taken place in such locations as Cles (Italy) and London.

Given my education and experience, I look at art from various vantage points and work on it tirelessly, driven by the view that it is truly important cultural research.